Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Also I want to bring back the 4square man imagery. I think it got the response I wanted in interim for the last brief. It is funny, controversial and invokes conversation.

At this stage I am researching racism in Australia. I know thats not part of the brief but its just a research experiment at this stage.
222.302 Graphic Design Studio III.

This is now going to be my workbook for Assignment Two. Just scott!

Looking forward to delving into a new aspect of Immigration in New Zealand. A new angle at least. What this is however I am not sure .. Perhaps it is more to do with the racism aspect? Or stereotypes?

S T E R E O T Y P E S.

Could be interesting ..

Such as anti asian sentiment. And Neo Nazi views etc.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Here are just some images that me and nicole could possibly use as part of

our designs. immigrant hands etc!

These are some preliminary designs that I have done, looking at getting your opinion on it nicole. Quite like the idea of who is a new zealander? Featuring a player profile on Jonah Lomu being of Tongan decent.

Also looking at the "new life" aspect. The circle however I feel is something new which we would have to use elsewere in our designs. So thats something to think about. Really was looking at it being a metaphor for a dream .. the circle rising up ..