Monday, September 27, 2010

Kristen Morrell

Kristen Morrell

Ethnic Background: English. Parents born in England.

Che Fu

Fu is the son of Miriama, and one New Zealand's founding reggae musicians, Unity Pacific (Tigilau Ness).[2] Tigilau often accompanies him as a member of The Krates, he is a full-blooded Niuean who came from the village of Mutalau. Fu is half Māori, half Niuean. He and partner partner Angela McDonald have a son Loxmyn.

Ethnic Background: Maori and Niuean

Bic Runga

Bic Runga

Early life

Runga was born in Christchurch. Her mother, Sophia Tang, was a Chinese Malaysian lounge singer in Malaysia when she met Joseph Runga, a Māori soldier on leave from Vietnam. They moved to New Zealand to live.

Runga grew up in HornbyChristchurch surrounded by a musically-inclined family, and started recording songs with her sisters, Boh and Pearl, when she was only four years old. Runga's older sister Boh is now a vocalist in the New Zealand rock group Stellar*, while Pearl is a session singer.

She learned how to play drums at the age of eleven, and guitar at about fourteen. Runga also learned to play the keyboard around this time. She attended Cashmere High School, joining high school bands and performing with

local jazz groups by her mid-teens.

Ethnic Background: Malaysian and Maori

dave dobbyn


Dave Dobbyn:
Dave DobbynONZM (born 3 January 1957) is a New Zealand award-winning musiciansinger-songwriter and record producer. In his early career he was a member of rock group Th' Dudes and the main creative force in popsters DD Smash, but since then has released the majority of his recordings as a solo act.

ETHNIC BACKGROUND: Scottish & Irish New Zealand